TO MENU

        How do you make a difference in the world? One story at a time.

        7.6 billion people – 7.6 billion different stories

        Yet we are all searching for the same: meaning. We are drawn to stories of purpose and significance. In fact, we will never create anything more powerful or significant than our life (story). We might think other people’s stories are greater than our own, but there is something unique only you bring – and your story makes a difference.

        Looking back now, unconsciously I think I’ve always been about stories. Documenting what I saw around me, asking strangers where they’re coming from and where they’re going, living for sunrises and sunsets – especially when it involves climbing roofs to have the best view. Turning every possible opportunity into an adventure (story). Photography has become a door-opener into people’s lives, to celebrate them for who they are and be inspired by their stories. I still hear Carlos and Shoani laugh when I look at their portraits. Seeing them live their story changed me, leaving me with a bigger heart, closer connection and the deep conviction that every story is a gift to others. That’s how Stories Matter was born. 

        Because: Your story is a gift to others. That’s why I would love to help you tell it.

        Looking back now, unconsciously I think I’ve always been about stories. Documenting what I saw around me, asking strangers where they’re coming from and where they’re going, living for sunrises and sunsets – especially when it involves climbing roofs to have the best view. Turning every possible opportunity into an adventure (story). Photography has become a door-opener into people’s lives, to celebrate them for who they are and be inspired by their stories.



        How do you change the world?
        One story at a time.

        I still hear Carlos and Shoani laugh when I look at their portraits. Seeing them live their story changed me, leaving me with a bigger heart, closer connection and the deep conviction that every story is a gift to others. That’s how Stories Matter was born. 

        Because: Your story is a gift to others. That’s why I would love to help you tell it.


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